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I think American is CRAP 1 year in the Garbage
Posted by peter_kosmas
5/15/2007  7:06:00 AM
i am now finishing American bronze
and by going to Dance centers i always see that most persons at advanced and professional level dance diferentlly and mostly like hell! i realized that my technique is crap ! everybody dances Crap and when i find some girl to dance she doesn't know the style i learned ! when i go to other dance schools to learn they dance like crap! that happens because most people don't know the diference of ISTD than ABCD !

So ??? better drop Bronze and start international ? or continue finish it ! And start international imedietly ! will that help ? i don't see any light with American Style dancing !!!!
trying to improve my English !!! :))
Re: I think American is CRAP 1 year in the Garbage
Posted by anonymous
5/15/2007  8:08:00 AM
I think you might want to look into some psychiatric help. You seem to have some anger problems.
Re: I think American is CRAP 1 year in the Garbage
Posted by mambonick
5/16/2007  4:57:00 PM
LMAO,He probably can't afford psychiatric help because he spent all that money trying to learn how to dance. Blame everyone else, thats the ticket. Save your money, invest in some English lessons.
Re: I think American is CRAP 1 year in the Garbage
Posted by Anonymous
5/15/2007  8:58:00 AM
While there are some differences in emphasis between styles, most of your complaints seem based on the type of business at which you are studying and their take on the styles, not the actual styles being studied.

If you are unhappy studying american there you will probably be unhappy studying international as well, at least unless it's taught by a teacher with a very different attitude.
Re: 1 year in the Garbage
Posted by Waltz123
5/15/2007  9:05:00 AM
Sounds like misplaced anger. There's nothing inherently wrong with American style. But you might want to look into another school. If your teachers are lacking in ability, switching to Int'l won't change anything. Finding a new teacher will.

Re: I think American is CRAP 1 year in the Garbage
Posted by slowfox
5/15/2007  9:51:00 AM
Wow! You seem to have a pretty good handle on profanity! You either don't like the style you've chosen or you need a new teacher. What else can we say?
Re: I think American is CRAP 1 year in the Garbage
Posted by SmoothGeezer
5/15/2007  10:53:00 AM
If English is not your primary language, someone has been doing you a disservice by supplying you with bad definitions.

If English is your primary language, you need to good back to school and work on your writing. You also need to work on your anger problem. This will cause you big problems in the future.
Re: I think American is CRAP 1 year in the Garbage
Posted by Q
5/15/2007  3:42:00 PM
Is Kosmos tying to say that there are wide differences between American Smooth and the International style. If we go to the picture at the top of the home page you will see a picture of a smooth dance couple. What they are doing is obviously how it should be done. That poise in the International Style will go down like a lead balloon. We have a style here called New Vogue. It is nice to dance and extremely popular. The shaping at competition level is excessive like the picture up front.
The danger is that this shaping will creep into the International style if they are doing both. We have some teachers here. If you are also doing New Vogue will tell you. Dont bother to come to me. The two styles clash.
As for the language. Who goes to the movies.

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